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Posts Tagged / slave

Master Takes Me to a Strip Club

You ordered me to come to the strip club with you, and I was allowed to pick out my own outfit. I decided on my black and white wrap dress, white thong, and black bra, red heels. We get to the strip club and you lead me down front right by the stage. I am […]


Monica Goes To The Movies

Before we met, Monica wasn’t interested in going to movies very often. After all, she’d spent most of her life in Manhattan, and with all the other entertainment there who needs the movies? I, on the other hand, had lived in a small town all my life, and the movies WERE our entertainment. We didn’t […]


A Letter From Laura

Dear Master Wade, You probably don’t remember me. I was at a party once that you had been invited to which was given by a mutual friend of ours. I hope I’m not out of line in writing you, but I’m not brazen enough to just call you, and I haven’t been able to think […]