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A Letter From Laura


Dear Master Wade,

You probably don’t remember me. I was at a party once that you had been invited to which was given by a mutual friend of ours. I hope I’m not out of line in writing you, but I’m not brazen enough to just call you, and I haven’t been able to think of anything but you since that night at the party. Our friend gave me your address.

There was a girl at the party who let you use her for over three hours while we all watched. There was nothing planned about it at all, you had just been able to recognize her submissiveness and had put her through her paces. Perhaps if she had not been there you would have recognized my submissiveness instead. I would have loved that.

Actually, I’ve only recently realized that I’m a slut. When I was young, in my teen years, I knew that I found everything about sex very exciting. And I had sex with most of the guys that I went with too, although it wasn’t usually as fulfilling as I thought it should be. There was always something missing. I did let myself get pretty wild in college and was even the focus of a gang bang once, but it really wasn’t as sexy as it sounds. The guys didn’t really know what they were doing. At least not like you do. Oh, they got hard enough and fed me plenty of cum, but they all laughed and played too much. You know how young guys can be. Of course after they had all fucked me they didn’t want to have anything to do with me again. Dick heads.

Even though I’m only now realizing what a slut I need to be, I’ve known for years that I’m very bi. My first taste of another girl’s pussy came when I was 13. A friend stayed over while my parents were out of town and we just sort of fell into it naturally while discussing boys and sex. We were lovers all through high school. It worked out pretty nice, we would double date and then eat the cum from each other’s pussies after our boyfriends had fucked us and gone home. Our parents never suspected a thing. She’s a minister’s wife now and won’t let me eat her any more. Sure is a shame, she is still very attractive.

I suppose I’ve fucked probably 10 guys in my life (not counting the gang bang) and I’ve been with somewhere around 20 women. I could have fucked more guys, but I was pretty choosy. I was also married for five years and didn’t screw around on my husband.

I met my current girlfriend at the party you were at that night. I got so hot watching you use the little slut at the party that I just had to have some hot sex of some kind. She had gotten quite hot too, and when she said she really enjoyed watching the slut eat the other girls, I knew she was mine for the evening. We went to my apartment after the party, and we both missed work the next day. She moved in with me a week or two later.

I’m a slave to my girlfriend and its a really neat relationship, but its still not exactly what I need. Oh, I still need plenty of hot pussy to eat and I need it regularly, but I need more than that. I need what you can help me to have.

I know its pretty presumptious of me to write to you asking you to let me be a slave slut of yours, but I promise I’ll do anything you ask me to do. It doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll do it. Honest I will. In fact, if you’ll let me be one of your slaves, I’ll even work it out so that you can have my girlfriend whenever you want too. She is very attractive and can also be very submissive with men.

You’ll have to judge whether you think I’m attractive or not, but most men seem to think so. I’m average in size but I have nice average size tits and I know how to use my legs to turn men on. I never won any beauty pageants in school, but I was in several and I placed second in one once. I was also a cheerleader.

I’d like very much to have a chance to introduce myself to you sometime. You can fuck me of course, if you like, or you can just come by the apartment sometime and meet my roomie and I. Any way you’d like to go about it would be fine with me. I’ll come to your house if you say for me to or I’ll even send a picture in the mail first if thats what you’d like. You just let me know what I can do to make it possible for us to meet and I’ll gladly do it. I could have my girlfriend take some pictures of me in the nude if you like. I don’t know if you make your slaves sign a legal statement saying that they are being your slave of their own free will and accord or not, but I would be happy to sign such a document and to have it notarized if necessary.

I know I’d be a good little slave slut for you, Master. I own my own business and I can make myself available to you whenever you desire and for as long as you want me. Anything sexual that I haven’t done I’d love for you to train me to do, and there isn’t anything that I’d say no to. I’d be yours for you to use in public or in private with any men or women that you might choose to use me with in anyway you’d choose to use me.

If I don’t hear from you in the next few days I’ll send some pictures of me anyway if you don’t mind. My mistress likes to show off my body to others and she will enjoy making me do it.

I hope you’ll let us meet and that you’ll give me the chance to beg you in person. I can’t tell you how much I need and want for you to use my slut body for your pleasure and the pleasure of your friends.

So, what do you think ?

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