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Posts Tagged / Working sex

Plumber’s Helper

Now David was a open minded as the next man, but when his boss assigned Debbie as his assistant plumber and set them out on a job, he was just a little disturbed. He figured it meant he was going to end up doing all the hard, heavy work since she was a rather petite […]


Adult Films

Oh shit! This guy makes porno movies! You heard of them, but had never seen one. Why didn’t you read it more carefully? You decide it is time for you to leave. So you head for the door. He blocks you and asks where you think you are going. “Home,” you tell him. “Unh-uh. Not […]


Coding Love

It seemed he was always standing over her, watching her do her programming. A brilliant computer scientist she wasn’t, but at least she seemed to like computers. The biggest problem with hanging out with her was that she was always coming to him for help, even from the beginning, when she was studying Karel the […]


The Construction Worker

Sometimes I amaze myself by my total lack of common sense when it comes to proving my macho against a female in various tests of strength. This latest lapse in intelligence was one that I am sure I’ll never repeat. I began working with a construction company as a laborer. I was physically in terrible […]