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Posts Tagged / fantasy

I Knew Her For An Eternity

As my horse galloped ever faster along the beach I pulled back on the reigns to slow him down. But it seemed as if something unforseen was quiding the horse. As I pulled the reigns back even harder my horse bolted into the air throwing me to the ground. That was the last thing I […]


A Night With a Stranger – A hot little fantasy.

It was a dark night and I was wondering down the motorway, loads of cars passing me by, but no one will stop to see if I am ok, so I keep walking it seemed like ages and a car had stopped, so I walked towards it, I was cold and a little dishevelled, but […]


Ariel “the farmers wife”

The whole thing started one hot summer night as I was trying to make it home from a business trip in Ohio. I had been driving for hours on Route 80, trying to make record time back to the Big Apple, when I noticed that my rented car was starting to overheat. I pulled off […]